
The last time I posted something here was in July of 2023. The site has changed a lot but I like the way it looks. A coworker recently encouraged me to start blogging again. At first, I shrugged it off but then I kept thinking about it and thinking about it and realized that I missed posting. The problem is I don't have the access I used to have to a good computer. At home, I have a laptop that is a real pain in the wazu and that's why I gave up blogging. But maybe I'll start blogging again. I mean, you're seeing this new post so I guess I've already started, LOL. I'm still working but traveling a lot more. I'm super excited about an upcoming cruise in October. It's a one way cruise from Vancouver to LA. Should be great! Below are two pictures from a cruise I took in 2018 to the Caribbean on the NCL Bliss.  Basically I am including them here because I am testing the blog tools. Also because I like them. A lot. I like looking at them and remembering all t

The Mexican Man Who Followed His Friends Into A Japanese Concentration C...


Cruise Shots

Got back a few days ago from a short cruise and wanted to share some pics with you.     Waiting to board the tender to Catalina. As we were walking back to the dock, we spotted a sign in the window of a Chinese restaurant that said Fresh Beignets. So we had some! Next day, I went to one of the decks at the very front of the ship. The bench was soaked so I went back inside. Of course, I had to have a Guy's Burger! Then it was time for more relaxation. As you can see, I had this area pretty much all to myself! Carnival Miracle was in port along with us. After exploring the ship a bit, I treated myself to a chocolate frappe. It was rich, thick and delicious! Later that day as I was riding the elevator to get back to my room, I noticed something odd. It was a cruise duck! He was so cute, I decided to keep it and post the obligatory selfie as shown below. The next photo is the one I am referring to on my podcast. After being woken up for the fifth time that night, I sat up in bed and wa

What I Would Give For A Road Trip

A road trip. A good old fashioned road trip. I had been planning to take one right after retiring from work. Those plans are on hold now. I'm actually thinking about retiring early. I can't stand going to work while everyone around me is so careless. In March I had surgery on my foot, the day after our Governor declared a shut down of California. Luckily my surgery wasn't cancelled but I wondered about returning to work. I naively hoped that the virus would calm down before I had to return. I returned to work on May 5th. Today is November 11th. Since then, I've had to take FOUR Covid tests because of exposure by co-workers. This both worries and angers me. I hate the position I am in. As I write this, I have only 8 months to go and I can retire with full benefits, however, I'm seriously considering retiring early because it's not worth the risk. Yes I am grateful I haven't gotten it. Trust me, I know how lucky I am. I have family members that almost died bec

Oogie Boogie's Halloween Bash

FUN!!! Oh my goodness, so much fun! I started my afternoon with a great lunch at Wine Country Trattoria. We spent some time going over the food guide... To kill some time we rode Monsters Inc. I love Roz! I tried the Howl-O-Ween and it was an epic failure. I threw it away. That's how bad it was. DO NOT waste your money on this. It consisted of Caramel Vodka and Honest Abe Apple Pie Cider. Genesis tried the Worms, Dice and Everything Nice and it was a thumbs up! Looked really cool, too! It consisted of Midori-Limeade Slush, Gummy Worms and Dice glow cube. Off to the Blue Sky Cellar to check-in for the party and then we left the Park to check-in to our hotel. We stayed at the Anaheim Marriott Suites. We dropped off our bags and then returned to DCA and the first Treat Trail we did was awesome. I present to you my Queen... We each got new ears! The Grizzly Peak Treat Trail was awesome. It had lots of atmosphere... ...a

DCA and Disneyland Goodies

Well glory be...Woohoo! First time in the new parking structure! In the Esplanade, this vehicle was on display. It's pretty cool but I would have chosen a different vehicle. Maybe it's just me but a mini van doesn't seem like the right fit. They wanted to be sure everyone knew that DCA would be closing early... Not sure what's getting updated here... I popped into Elias & Co. to see if there was anything new..... Ooooh a Hocus Pocus Dooney! I got such a kick out of the way Pluto was signing autographis! I told Pluto that I was a cat lady but he was OK with it because my purse had Disney cats on it. A few of these cool screen fences lined the walkway next to the Wilderness Creek Challenge Trail. It was open but I decided that I really wanted to see it at night so I opted to wait until I attend the Oggie Boogie Bash on October 3rd. By this time I was hungry and I wanted to see what was being offered at Rancho del Zocalo so I m

Mango Dole Whip, Halloween Merch and Light Sabers

The other day I ate my way through Disneyland. It wasn't easy but I knew that you were relying on me to keep you informed on the goodies at the Park, right? RIGHT? Work continues in front of the parking structures. Many trees have been added and I'm still not quite sure how this area will be used. First stop was to check out the merchandise... Then I needed to cool down so my next stop was at the Hideaway to have a luscious mango Dole Whip. Oh my goodness, talk about incredibly good! Good to the last drop! On my way toward's the Hungry Bear, I noticed something going on in the river... I'm sure this sign is a couple months old but I just noticed it and I think it's cute! I find the rock work in Galaxy's Edge to be quite interesting. Trash cans are interesting, too! I knew I wanted something cold to drink but I was sure what I wanted so I killed a little time by exploring. I ordered a Tatooine Sunset and I a