July 17, 2015
I had to be there, I simply HAD to be there. It was crowded and it was hot but I had made up my mind that I would ignore it and enjoy the fact that I was there. Paint the Night was BEYOND phenomenal. I did not film it, I did not Tweet it, I did not Periscope it because I needed to be fully there in the moment, taking it all in. I am not ashamed to say that tears were flowing like a broken water pipe. The parade brought back memories of waiting (sometimes impatiently) and also the satisfaction and wonder of the original Electrical Parade. The fireworks had me looking left, right, up and down constantly. Wow, what a show! Again, I simply watched and experienced the show. You can find tons of videos on YouTube If you so desire. I simply enjoyed the show and kept thinking about my Dad and how much he loved the fireworks and I knew he was watching with me. So now, I will share a few pictures taken that day. I got my badge!! My friends, Karen and Peter took me to di...