Disneyland's birthday Part 3

This was one of the few signs I saw for the 55th.

Here you can see the platform and microphone that was set up for the ceremony to be held later in the day.

The old Egg House which I fondly remember. I wish they would bring back an eatery of some kind. Even if it was just a coffee house - that would be cool.

Ah, merchandise. Yes, I love bags!

Apologies to my male readers...

Love this T-shirt!

I love all the birthday gift bags surrounding the giant snowglobe in the Emporium.

I didn't take pictures of all of the 55th merchandise but these were too cute to pass up.

Guess what was playing inside the Cinema? YES! Opening day footage!!! It was great.

A couple of the books I want.

The castmember ringing up my purchases.

You KNOW all of that stuff they bought is going to end up on eBay....you just know it!

LOTS of people everywhere.

The Disneyland Band was playing Happy Birthday!

Look at this line......for a pin. I decided I didn't need it that much.

The Carnation Cafe was crowded, also....but I was hungry so I got in line.

While waiting in line, I looked up and noticed these windows. Chinese food?
When did those go in?

Then I noticed the gas lamp up above....love those gas lamps.

Here you see the gigantic iced mocha I mentioned in an earlier post.

As I left, I noticed that the train was empty!

Then I noticed that it was almost noon...time for the ceremony to start....

....and time for me to find some air conditioning!


Thufer said…
I so agree, bring back the coffee gardens or something. Juan Valdez needs a home now that he no longer climbs the mountain daily.
I alsolovehow you alwaysget a shot of the clock when you arrive, very cool tradition.
Good pictures as always, btw...those items look really cool. :: wink/nudge ::
Unknown said…
Geez girl.. you live the life I dream of. Hangin' at Disneyland on a regular basis. ::: So Jealous :::

What pin were those folks in line for? A limited edition I take it?
Carl Patten said…
Disneyland! Yay! Proud to say that I've been there once and that experience was very amusing! Everything was just magical and I dream to have my own Disneyland someday. =)

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