Happy Birthday, Mom!

My mom would have been 96 today! Wow…I have a feeling that I will make it to 96 – because The Grim Reaper is gonna have one big fight on his hands when it comes to taking me to his place!

Mom was a character - very traditional Mexican woman and yet in many ways, very modern. She didn’t work outside of the home until I was in high school yet, she sold Avon since the 1940s to a few core customers. She had her own car. For a one income family back then, that was something!

She would ALWAYS cook our meals – except when she was mad at my father. If he made her mad after she started cooking, she made sure that the salsa on the table was 28 Fire Alarm HOT! I can’t help but chuckle at the memory of my dad wiping the sweat from his brow because the salsa was so hot.

My son and I lived with my parents for a few years and I remember how she would tell my son (then approximately 8) to tell grandpa that he wanted pizza so that she wouldn’t have to cook. And yes, my dad would fall for it every time, LOL!

My mom would get so frustrated with junk mail and she would use those pre-addressed, postage paid envelopes to send a note that said, “You have a face only a mother could love”. Just thinking about that cracks me up!! Ya, I get my twisted sense of humor for her genes.

I miss you, Mom. The next time I get one of those envelopes in the mail, I’m gonna send one out in your honor :-)


Thufer said…
Ahhhh, what wonderful memories. I thank God everyday for the mother he gave me as I'm sure you do for yours. Most mothers are truly the mold into which each of us is poured. Hopefully, there are no big cracks and what comes out, works. What a special gift you post today is. Thank you.
TokyoMagic! said…
A truly touching post today!
JG said…
Thanks Connie. I have something in my eye...

Awww! What a nice tribute to your mom...

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