Disneyland 11-17-10 Part 2

Hello everyone!
 Yes this first photo looks a lot like one I posted yesterday.
Different camera, that's all! If there are any newbies joining us, be sure to click on each of the photos for a larger, spiffier view.

I love this old tree...I wonder when it and its twin were planted?

Something is going on behind the Guided Tours gazebo.
Speaking of guided tours....

I see that the old police station is no longer a police station. I swear I NEVER see anyone go in and out of these doors. And I should know since I spend hours sitting on a bench staring at those doors.

City Hall looks spiffy with holiday garland...

The tree is a sight for sore eyes.

Even the popcorn cart gets some holiday spirit!

This reminds me of the yellow brick road...only red.

I love the tiny trees that they placed in all of these planters.

The Opera House looks festive.

Even the trolley cars have a bit of fluff (garland) on the back.

Everyone is rushing to get to their favorite attractions...

While I simply hang out and enjoy the beauty of Main Street.
Well, that and I'm waiting for my cousin and her family to arrive.

More tree shots...

I swear, the dew on these looks like diamond chips.

Me in one of the ornaments, LOL.

Kinda fuzzy but you get the idea!

That's it for today...tomorrow we continue up Main Street.


Daveland said…
The attention to detail in the landscaping is so awesome! I think you should start selling Disneyland Ornaments with your reflection - this could be a new photo series for you.
You are lucky that you weren't trapped forever in the reflection. It could happen!

So the police station has been defrocked... now we know! Thanks for doing the detective work.

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