Three Fences?

We've all heard about the "three fences" area where fences from 3 eras meet. I decided to try and find it and I actually found two spots where three distinctly different fences meet. Now I need you experts to tell me which one is the actual "three fences" spot!

This is the first one I found where Fantasyland transitions into Tomorrowland.

Then, I saw this. If you enlarge this, you'll see three different fences.

A better view of the left side...

And a better view of the right side...

So Disney Scholars, I'm thinking the first shot was what I was looking for, right?


Thufer said…
From a lot of hanging out in various Disney(land) picture blogs....the first picture is my understanding to be the 'official' three fences location.
Daveland said…
The first photo is the one Tim photographs religiously. One of these days I'll shoot it!
JG said…
I agree, photo one is the VDT location. Easy to spot and locate because of the submarine waterfall beyond.

I am going to take my own version of this photo in a few months.

I noticed it before, years ago. there are several places, as you noted, where theming blends together.

One of my favorites is the walkway between Fantasyland and Frontierland as you walk past the old disused Skyway and Big Thunder Ranch, the plaster and rock tones of Fantasyland become warmer and more ochre-orange in tone as they transition into the rocks north of Big Thunder. It's very subtle, but once you notice it, hard not to smile.

Thank you Connie.
TokyoMagic! said…
Yep, it's the first one that Vintage DL Tickets photographs on a regular basis. Now is a good time to take a pic of it because that vine will leaf out soon and cover up most of the old "mesh" fence.

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