The Star Tours Preview That Never Was

That's right - I missed it. My son got sick :-(

I took a video inside the Star Traders so you could see the new spiffed up version of it. I like it.


Thufer said…
Oh, what a shame. Hope he is fine; but new Star Tours for you! Bummer.
The Star Trader looks really good. Thanks for that glimpse around.
No worries Connie. Your turn to ride it will come soon.
Unknown said…
Awww... such a shame your son got sick and you didn't get to ride. No worries though as it is certainly not going anywhere!

It won't be long now! :)
Oh man! I was checking in to see your report. I'm sorry your son got sick though, he probably feels worse than anybody that you missed the preview.
Daveland said…
Hope he's feeling better! It will be worth the wait.

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