Disneyland 12-28-11 Part 1

My son's roommate, Debby, is moving away and she expressed a desire to visit Disneyland before leaving California. She had not been to the Park since before Indiana Jones opened. I can't even begin to imagine not seeing the Park in all that time! Naturally, I wanted to be a part of her Disney day. Try to guess which one is me, LOL.

First on the agenda, go to DCA to get a Fastpass for Soarin', and then have lunch.

I love this sign and it made me sooooooooo excited for all the new stuff on the horizon!

You can see much more of the Carthay Circle Theater now and it is BEAUTIFUL.

We grabbed our Fastpass...

...and then made our way to the Pacific Wharf area for lunch. Along the way, we spotted a kitty!

Looking back...I can already tell, this is going to be one of my favorite things in DCA to photograph.

See what I mean?

After a nice relaxing lunch, we made our way through Bugs Land towards the Tower of Terror.

We decided to wait in the 90 minute line to give our lunch time to digest, LOL.

hee hee hee!

After TOT, we made our way back to Disneyland but you'll have to come back tomorrow to see those pics!


Debbie V. said…
As always - love your pictures and comments. I'm a long way from DCA now (Indiana) and on my break at work so this is fun!
Thanks for letting us tag along on your trip Connie. I'd like to repost your Carthay shots? :)
TokyoMagic! said…
That looks like a fat and happy kitty!

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