Quick Visit to the DL Resort Part 1

That's right, I actually got some "Park time"!! The crowds were nonexistent and that made me very happy.

So the first thing I did was walk over to DCA because I hadn't been there in ages. The little that I could see over the construction walls had me salivating!

The Carthay Circle Theater is looking more and more gorgeous as the days go by.

Here's a shot I took with my phone just so I could taunt my friends, LOL!

And then, I spotted something...people! At first I thought they were very lucky "preview-type castmembers" but then realized they were the guys working on the building. Lucky dogs!

Then I noticed the trees that are lining the street - nice! And then, I noticed the grates around the trees on ground level. I remember seeing those in downtown L.A. when I was a kid!

Very nice details, Disney!

I was happy yet sad looking up at this, knowing that there would soon be a part of the Park that I would not have access to. For the full details, click here.

These next two pictures are almost identical but I know my peeps, you want to see every detail, right?

And this shot is the one that brought me the most joy. I can't quite put my finger on it. I mean, it's just a sign above a store but seeing Elias & Company up there just brought tears to my eyes.

Make sure you enlarge the pics - these shirts are so darn neat!

Now, I'm just admiring all the lush foliage...

Standing with my back to the Boudin Bakery attraction, I shot this adorable windmill that is in Cars Land. I can hardly wait to check it out. And that reminds me...I received an email from Disneyland. Apparently Annual Passholders who received that email can enter for a chance to win. Win what? A PREVIEW OF CARS LAND BEFORE IT OPENS TO THE PUBLIC!! I'm asking ALL of you to send positive thought and the power of collective energy so that I get picked, LOL!

Whew! Writing that last paragraph was exhausting....

There is a slight chance that some of you out there have not been inside the Boudin Bakery so I took a few video snippets for you. I apologize for the first one being slightly out of focus. I almost didn't include it here but something keep telling me I needed to so here it is.

After resisting the urge to buy a loaf of bread and consume the entire thing by myself, I walked over towards the mill. I actually shot these next videos to share with my friends that live in England. We found a cool app that let's us text, share video and audio files at no charge so we are loving it!!! If you have anyone over seas and they have a smart phone, you need to check out Whatsapp Messenger. There is a version for both iPhone and Android phones. I tell you, it's the best 99 cents I've ever spent!

What a hoot, huh? Next stop - Disneyland!


Great post Connie! The Carthay is looking gorgeous!!
Carthay Circle looks cool and all, but it is a restaurant, and I can only get so excited about a restaurant. If you know what I mean. However, if it is as cool as the Blue Bayou, I'll be happy!

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