No Good News

I got some crappy news the other day. Remember that test I took? Apparently, I didn't pass. Blew my mind, totally. Since then, I've received emails from other prospective employers, all of them "thanks but no thanks". 

This is really starting to get scary...

Well, I just wanted you to know the latest. You all have been so nice and given me kind words of support and you can't imagine what that means to me.


Daveland said…
I am so sorry. Let's just hope this means that an even better opportunity is right around the corner.
Debbie V. said…
It is hard to be a great worker and not be chosen. The group of "choosees" is so huge now, employers can't see the good trees for the forest.
Sooner or later this will be over and you will be able to encourage someone else.
Debbie V.
Thufer said…
I am still saying good words and sending good thoughts. Remain positive and just keep going as strong as you can.
Unknown said…
Dangit. That really stinks. I'm sending some positive vibes your way. Hang in there.. I know you'll find something soon!

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