Frontierland, Haunted Mansion and more...

If you didn't know, Big Thunder is under refurbishment and it will be quite a while
before it opens - February of next year!

If only my camera lens was a bit smaller I could have forced it through this opening, LOL!

I noticed that a rogue pirate was climbing the mast of the Columbia. Wait, that ain't no pirate!

The Haunted Mansion is down until the 12th of this month in preparation for Haunted Mansion Holiday. I managed to find a hole to look through.

Yup, those are Halloween decorations waiting to be unveiled!

 It was quite muggy so I sat for a spell and enjoyed the views...

OK, time to walk around a bit! Here is a cute and clever sign for you to examine.
Jack Skellington is only too happy to inform you!

I love these! These are the most amazing hanging plants EVER!

I know, I know, it's just a plant. but since I haven't been to the park in 327 days, everything looks new to me!

I think this would look grand hanging on my front porch. Now if I could only figure out a way to get it into my purse with no one noticing...

Ya, he thinks it a stupid idea, too.

That's it for today!


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