Tom Sawyer's Island Part 9

After getting my fill of pirate play, I descend and walk around the base of the rock formation to find...Another cave! Yay! Stepping inside, I find this trunk. What could be inside? Gold coins? Lifetime annual passes?

A fellow explorer and I go deeper into the cave...

Wow...looks like somebody stashed their goodies here
and then forgot about them.

I think I should find my way out now.

Looking up, I see this. Boy, I'd hate for that to fall on me!

Ah HA! I see daylight!

Once outside, I turn left and end up at the far end of the island, back at the cemetery.

Since I have so few pictures of myself at Disneyland, I decided to take advantage of a trash can and the self-timer...No, I'm not chair dancing, just didn't sit down in time, LOL.

Let's walk around the fort one more time before leaving...

Time to walk back to the dock...

Ya, I stopped to watch the Mark Twain again.

Once back on the mainland...I spot this! I've never seen this before. Anyone know the significance of the year?

After all that climbing, it was time for one of my favorite snacks - a Dole Whip!


Thufer said…
The archway with the that part of the original tunnel which was envisioned to be a part of the 'original' Pirates attraction?; back when it was a walk through. I believe this was part of the tunnel complex which was planned to connect NOS to the island. (?)
TokyoMagic! said…
Yeah, I've read an explanation for that bricked up archway, but I can't remember now exactly what it was...sorry! It believe it was some sort of tie-in with the "backstory" for Pirates...or Mansion...or the island....or all three!
Thanks for the tour Connie. It was delightful.
JG said…
The western part of what became known as the Louisiana territory was ceded by France to Spain in 1764.

This condition lasted until 1804 when Spain returned the territory to France, who then turned it over to the US as the complex transaction called the "Louisiana Purchase".

The archway might refer to that date of Spanish transition, not sure.


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