DCA for Mother's Day!

I had my choice of going anywhere I wanted :-)

I've wanted to try the Trattoria 4-EVER!!! So that's where we went! First we munched on some heavenly bread, dipping it in oil and vinegar. So good.

I had a glass of wine but my son tried a Pear Martini. Yes, I tasted it. YUMMO!

We both ordered the Shrimp Scampi. Can I say that we talked about that meal for HOURS??? It was delicious. No, BEYOND delicious. We decided that we have to go back and have it again! I'm not kidding when I say that meal impressed us. For the rest of the day, we would find ourselves standing in line, lost in thought and then one of us would say, "That food was REALLY good!"

After our meal we strolled over to Mickey's Fun Wheel - my son had never been on it. He informed me that he has never, ever been on a Ferris Wheel! (See, that's what happens when mom is afraid of heights.)

For once, my brain was actually working and I remembered that I wanted my son to see the Aladdin show so we went over there and were lucky enough to get in line just as it was forming!

We had to wait about 30 minutes but it was worth it because we got great seats. He was very impressed with the show and I was pretty jazzed since I had not seen it in years.

After the Aladdin show we went to Disneyland to soak up some pixie dust. My son says I've gotten him hooked on my "crack" meaning Disneyland, LOL.  We walked all over the Park looking for an appropriate dessert, which means Connie wanted chocolate and we ended up inside the Golden Horseshoe Saloon. I grabbed a table upstairs while my son got our desserts. Good time to take a close-up of my flowers.

Note to readers: Only order the chocolate cake if you are REALLY hungry! Look at this slice of cake! And I had already eaten one layer!

We finished our visit with a little entertainment from Billy Hill and the Hillbillies, always fun to watch.


Daveland said…
Good thing I didn't meet you on Sunday...that cake would have been devoured! Congrats on getting your son hooked - what a great habit to have!
How can that big guy be your son??
Daveland said…
David - Connie told me she used forced perspective (like on Main Street) for her photos. Her son is actually about 4' tall.
Sounds like it was a terrific time and great food. Yum!!
Connie Moreno said…
You guys CRACK me up!!
TokyoMagic! said…
Hey Connie....happy belated Mother's Day!!!!! Sounds like you had a good one!

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