A look inside the Disneyland Gallery

My visit to the Park is drawing to a close...but if you're like me,  you can't simply walk out of the Park. You delay your exit, right? Let's go into the Gallery!

A model of Disneyland is on display and it's quite nice.

There is some cool merchandise here.

See what I mean? I love this!

I got a lump in my throat when I saw Walt's hat.

I had the pleasure of explaining the significance of this train (and everything that came after that) to my son and as he listened, I could see the gears turning in his brain. It was as if the genius of Walt Disney finally dawned on him...and then he said it: "That man was BEYOND genius!" At that moment, I was the proudest mom on the planet.

A fuzzy look back at the train station before I forced myself to walk through the exit!

Thanks for stopping by!


Thufer said…
Very nice delay-ing stop on the way out. That picture of Mickey in the Train is very nice. I agree, Walt's hat is special.
Ha ha, Connie has brainwashed her son (just like you said on the Disneyland Gazette)!

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