Exploring Spots on Route 66 Part 6

Did you think we were done??? HA! Fooled you! Regular readers know that I love visiting cemeteries - you never know what you might find. This visit, however, was planned in advance because my friends and I wanted to visit the graves of Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. I have to say, this was one of the most unusual cemeteries I have ever visited. Stunningly beautiful in a stark way. Well heck, let's just look at the pictures.

We pulled into the cemetery and the first thing we see is this ginormous statue. I did not notice a plaque of any kind so I am assuming that this is a tribute to Trigger, his horse. I thought it was kinda cool.

So I started walking around...and started noticing little details like the metal sculpture nestled in the rocks. You could easily miss it if you aren't paying attention.

Then I noticed these little pathways and realized that some people were actually buried in the rocky hills!

Here and there I found a few little "tranquil spots"...

Then I walked over to the main building and enjoyed the view.

What I found rather touching was that someone (a fan perhaps?) left a little spring on the stone. Not sure what those are but I do remember seeing them as a kid.

So I started walking around again and came upon this stone. It caught my eye not only because it was unusual in shape but then I noticed the graphics...and then I was amazed by all that this gent had done in his life!

And now, we pay our respects to the King of Cowboys and the Queen of the West.

This cemetery is small but quite interesting and if you are ever in Victorville, I suggest stopping by and taking a stroll around the place.


Well, that IS a weird cemetery! But I am a fan of Roy and Dale. Could Max K. and Hueih-hueih Hurblut be related to Bud Hurlbut, the man who designed so much great stuff for Knott's Berry Farm?
Fascinating. And what a lovely place for a cemetery.

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