WDW Part 5 and a return to Seven Sisters Inn

These first five photos were taken by my friend, Karen. On our last day at the Animal Kingdom, I took one last walk around outside and really liked these rocking chair around a fire pit. Super awesome.

The view from our balcony.

We're still at the Magic Kingdom, folks. While watching a parade, I noticed that all of the parade vehicles had these cool tires!!! I want some for my car!

Who can resist Ursula?

Remember the Seven Sisters Inn? We went back to spend a night because we had all fallen in love with the place. We stayed in the family suite on the top floor of the house.

This is where I slept. Remember I told you the house was haunted? All night long we kept hearing heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. I kept waking up, hearing someone whispering in my ear. It was a long night.

 Karen and I having tea.

 There was a very nice spread for afternoon tea.

Every room in this inn was gorgeous but this sink was one of those things that I thought was awesome.

 The next morning, we had a lovely breakfast. We asked the proprieter if anyone else was staying in the house with us because we kept hearing heavy footsteps on the stairs. He smiled...and said we were the only ones in the house!

And now....if you want to see more on the Jolly Holiday Bakery at Disneyland, click here for the latest photo report from The Disneyland Gazette!


Very cool tires on the parade vehicle. Nice find!

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