Riverside Historic Home Tour

Oh how I love older structures, especially homes! I recently found out that the Old Riverside Foundation conducts yearly tours of historic homes - and that they have been doing this for approximately twenty years.  TWENTY YEARS OF TOURS I'VE MISSED! Man, I was ticked when I found out - this was pretty much my reaction!

I have scanned the booklet that was given to me upon check-in. It contains great information about the houses on the tour.

Let's check out the first home on the tour! First, some information from the booklet and then my photo.

In front of each house on the tour, there was an antique car - I guess to make the house easier to find? It worked!

Unfortunately and to my dismay, no photos were allowed inside the homes.

This is the second home on the tour.

And now my photo.

I fell in love with this old bathtub in their yard!

Here is the info on home #3.

How I wish I could show you the inside!

I love the decorative yet functional detail on the rain gutter.

The front walkway, the back patio and the driveway are all covered in antique bricks. When the builder of this home found out that a brick manufacturer in Chicago was going out of business and giving away their bricks, he hired a truck to go get as many bricks as they could fit into the truck!

The next house is very quaint.

Here's my photo...

...and another antique vehicle!

Each house on this tour was amazing. What really surprised me is that I have driven by this next house many times and never knew it was there!

While you can't see the house in this pic, I want to draw your attention to the palm tree that is in the center. That tree was planted in that spot in 1902!

And now the house...

Just a gorgeous old tree.

Before entering the home, I learned about an instrument that most likely was enjoyed back when this house was new.

It's a Dulcimer and I love the sounds it produces. Here's a video from YouTube.

This house sat on a very large piece of property and we also got to explore the backyard. This view os of the back of the house.

I've love to have one of these in my backyard!

This was a cute little potting shed for working on your plants. It also had some comfy chairs inside.

As I was leaving I admired the vintage cars parked out front.

The last house is no longer a private residence but houses the Old Riverside Foundation. I was allowed to take photos inside which made me very happy. First, here is the info from the brochure.

These next two photos I did not take. They are from the Foundation's website.

When the home was first built, there wasn't much surrounding it. Over the years, however, things were build up around it and it presently sits smack dab in the middle of the Marriott's parking lot!

So are you ready to go inside???? We entered through the back door and in to the laundry room which was tiny but super cool. I didn't get a photo of that because at that point, I didn't know we were allowed to take pictures. They didn't announce it - I had to ask.

So, here we are in the kitchen and I fell in love with this stove and built-in desk.

I house I grew up in had a niche like this for the phone!

I loved the windows in the tiny diningroom.

The majority of the house has these incredible carved wooden walls which actually are hidden cabinets!

The livingroom has a HUGE fireplace.

Three walls of the livingroom had these carved hidden cabinets. The fourth had french doors.

Stepping out to the back patio from the livingroom...

Looking back towards the livingroom.

And now we come to the bathroom. I thought it was incredible!

Look at that ceiling! It's all hand painted.

Unbelievable, isn't it?

I couldn't get enough of this bathroom.

The bathroom leads to the only bedroom in the house and it has a small fireplace.

The bedroom was small and comfy but because I was so fascinated by these walls/cabinets, I didn't take pictures of the bed or dresser. Sorry!

 Here is a view of the side of the house, behind me is the entrance to the Marriott.

For those of you that are interested, here are the last two pages of the booklet.

And last but not least, I found a video showing the inside of the Weber House. Enjoy!


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