Do you ever look up?

I love the way Disneyland shops are decorated. Most people never look up - I always do. Today I was leisurely inspecting new merchandise on Main Street and something made me look up. This is not the first time I've taken photos of this chandelier but every time I see it, it's new to me. It's just so darn gorgeous.

And then my eyes focused on the items behind it...

Can you imagine how much fun it is to go on the hunt for these items? Boy, that's a job I want! Make sure you click on the photo to enlarge it - there's just so many neat things to see.

I'm sure that many of these items have been in Disney storage and are rotated seasonally but they always make me smile because I appreciate the detail that is put into an area that many never even notice.

And now for a little bit of news...

I'm still working which is GOOD. My Internet access is limited which is BAD. Phooey, I say!

I am still with The Disneyland Gazette and now I am doing a couple of segments for the show. One is Diningland and the other is Meet The Listener. I hope you check us out, follow us in Facebook and on iTunes, too!

I will be blogging again and I hope that makes you guys happy. I was inspired by all of the fantastic people taking part in Dapper Day. Pictures of some of my favorites will be posted here within the next couple of days.


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