Something new!

The rains have kept me away for the Park but I did manage to run over there one day and absorb the atmosphere. I really needed it!

The Teacups weren't running that day so I stood there and simply admired them...

And now, an announcement. (Insert sound of trumpets playing here, LOL.)

A lot of you know that I was a regular on the Disneyland Gazette podcast. I loved doing the show with my buddies and I dearly miss it. So... I've decided to start my own podcast. It won't be as fancy as the Gazette but my entire heart will be in it. Yes, I will bring you Disneyland related tidbits and recordings from the Park because those were always popular with the listeners. But I will also talk about other things that interest me such as travel, food, photography and the paranormal. So take a minute to check it out and please tell your friends!  Thanks!!


You can listen here:


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