Little Mermaid and DCA Construction Updates

Here are a few updates on the construction of the Carthay Theater, Carsland and The Little Mermaid attraction...

By the way, Annual Passholders get to preview The Little Mermain today and tomorrow! The place is gonna be a madhouse!

The cool Information Booth is GONE...
I have no idea what, if anything, will replace it.

The seating area outside the ice cream shop is GONE.

Another look at the tower as I head towards Carsland...

The waterfalls weren't running...strange...

This looked inviting to me while I was there...not so much in the photo.

I think they did a great job on this building.

Here's a little snippet of music from the Mermaid attraction area.
Kinda reminds me of the music on Main Street over at Disneyland.



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