Problems with Blogger?

Hety! My post disappeared!!!  What's up with that???


TokyoMagic! said…
Connie, I have been having nothing but problems with Blogger since Wednesday evening. It was the worst during the day yesterday (Thursday) when it appeared to be in "Read Mode" only. At least that's the message I was getting. I couldn't comment on any blogs or post a new blog....or sign in for that matter. It seems to be better now, but we'll see.
It was ME Connie! Ha ha! My evil plan worked! Today, your blog. Tomorrow, the world!
TokyoMagic! said…
Nope, still problems today! Connie, there are some official messages from Blogger that you can read if you click on the "Blogger Status" link and also the "Known Issues" link at the bottom of your Blogger Dashboard.

This sucks!
Connie Moreno said…
Tokyo, don't be fooled. The Major hacked into their system! Where is Captain America when you need him???

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