Buena Vista Street - First Impressions

I have several photos that aren't perfect and unless you really want to see them, I'll keep those hidden away. However, if I get enough comments begging me to post those fuzzy gems, I will. You know, the old girl ain't what she used to be. I'm talking about my camera, people, not me, LOL!!

To say that I was floored would be an understatement. Here are the first few photos that I took right after walking through the gate. Wow...

I literally turned and turned and turned in circles several times until I started to get a bit dizzy. I had planned to record an audio report for The Disneyland Gazette but at that point, words had become useless to me. Looking at these photos now, I still can't adequately describe just how beautiful Buena Vista Street truly is.

After I sorta "came out of my spell", I glanced down and saw these Grad Nite tickets. I thought it made a neat shot, LOL.

OK, let's look at these cool buildings again!

I have a special spot in my heart for this. For those of you that don't know, this is a replica of the Hyperion Street bridge in Los Angeles. I grew up near that bridge and traveled across it hundreds if not thousands of times, never knowing how close it was to Walt's first studio. In 2000, I learned about this and while I have always loved this bridge, it made it even more special to me. I  liked to imagine Walt driving his car across that bridge on his way to Glendale to eat lunch at the Tam 0'Shanter!

Again, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed exploring Buena Vista Street!

If you want to take a look at the historical marker where the original studio once stood, check out this past blog post.


That bridge is neat, I don't think I've seen it in any other photos. Since I rarely go to the park for more than one day, I have to decide which one I want to see at night!
Daveland said…
Glad you are pleased with all the architecture and details, too. Did you eat at any of the restaurants?
Sweet. Look at those crowds! who would of thunk it? Go DCA!
Debbie V. said…
Love your pictures and your post. It made my heart "swell" seeing the beauty and hearing your story.
Thank you so much.
I know I need to plan a trip to southern California before I am too old to enjoy it.
Lovely Lovely Lovely - thank you
Connie Moreno said…
Dave, no didn't get to eat there. I am flat broke busted! But I did use the drinking fountains, LOL.

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