Wandering Through the Park Part Seis

I don't know about you, but I can not pass this statue without stopping, for just a moment...and inevitably, I will get a small lump in my throat. I remember the day Walt Disney died. I remember crying my eyes out, afraid that Disneyland would close forever. Silly childish fears...
But as an adult, I am forever grateful for his genius.

These next two shots are basically the same - just used two different camera setting to see how different they would come out.
Not much different if you ask me!

I was sitting in the Hub waiting for my cousin to meet up with me so I decided to snap my view of Tomorrowland...

It quickly got dark, as you can see! Here are two quick shots of the Mark Train before I put my camera away for the night!

Well, that's it for this trip. I will be going to the Park again on Thursday so of course, I'll be taking more pictures!


Daveland said…
I'm as bad as you; can't sit still for long without finding something to take a photo of.

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