A walk through DCA Part 3

In this, our final installment of a Walk through DCA, we look at the adorable posters that hang on the lower level of the Silly Symphonies attraction...

This window display caught my eye so you get two views of it.

This is one of my favorite views of DCA.

A little detail that I noticed hanging way up high...

An unusual water fountain over in the Bug's Life area.

This sign is so cute.

I decided to ride Flick's Flyers...Looking up a giant looks-like-a-walnut but I know it isn't!

A quick snapshot before we take off!

See ya later...


Chris Jepsen said…
You caught some interesting details I've never noticed before. Makes we want to go back to DCA,... AFTER Labor Day, that is...
Unknown said…
I always stop and take a moment to appreciate the old school stuff. I guess me and you are kindred spirits in this sense!

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