Video Friday and The End of an Era

The Three Caballeros are no more. OK, so it's a bit melodramatic but then, that's how I roll, LOL.

I had a very nice little get-together yesterday, complete with cake and a very cool card made by my boss.

In this first photo we see the previously mentioned Three Caballeros: me, Vicki and Scot.

Next, we see the very pretty cake before it gets savagely attacked by starving zombies.

I must say, in all the years that I've worked for Marsh, I have NEVER seen the Head of Office serve cake so I am honored!!

Today will be my last in the office and just between you, me and the fencepost, I'm not gonna be worth much so I hope I don't get any rush projects! is, after all, Friday and that means Video Friday. Today I have a link for you to one of my new favorite cooks. Has anyone seen Mexican Made Easy on the Food Network? I highly recommend it. Click here for a neat video on guacamole and chips. I'm salivating!


One door closes, Disneyland...may open. Good luck in your new pursuits.
TokyoMagic! said…
Yes, the best of luck to you, Connie! Are you going to the park on Monday as you had planned?
Connie Moreno said…
Tokyo, I'm going to the Park on Tuesday, Feb 1st!
Connie, I hope that this is merely a little bump in the road, and that you go on to bigger and better things soon!

Have fun at the park!!
Tony g. said…
Time to move to TEXAS. Good luck on your future journey.
Clare said…
You'll take some great friends away from your job Connie and I know something else will come along for you soon.
JG said…
They're right Connie, one door closes, another one opens. Have faith.

Wish you well.


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