Disneyland Merchandise

I went to Disneyland yesterday and had a wonderful time window shopping! I found tons of cool stuff but before we begin, take a look at this video. It's soooo pretty and peaceful!

OK, you ready???

The planters on Main Street are getting spruced up...or something.

We often see old photos of the street cars, which I love, so I decided to film one as it went by.

It looks really busy but it wasn't really that crowded until 3:00 pm.

If you have little ones, you need to get this shirt!

In Adventureland, I spotted this shirt and stopped dead in my tracks.

And then...I saw THIS!!! A force of which is unknown to man miraculously made my credit card come out of my wallet...

Earlier in the morning I tweeted that I thought it was stroller day at the Park - here's proof.

I caught Goofy being, well, goofy!

What to do next...oh I know! The Mark Twain!

Views from the Twain...

I can't believe I caught the Big Thunder train as it entered the station. I love my iPhone.

Just to be spiteful, I emailed this to the Major and said "Where am I?"...BWAAAHAHAHAHHAHAA!

More views from the Twain...

What? Where's the merchandise? Be patient!

Now this is pretty new, at least to me! It's a bald eagle and her chicks up in the tree!

What do you mean I didn't tell you this was going to be a MEGA post? Oh, you need a bathroom break? OK, go ahead...we'll wait...impatiently...or maybe we'll continue exploring the Mark Twain.

As a kid, I remember a live band playing jazz music on this stage. Now, it sits empty :-(

I wonder what would happen if I tossed this overboard? Not that I'm suggesting you do so.

So this is what makes her tick!

A very nice sign located dockside.

Has anyone ever noticed this Mickey cactus before. I had seen it a few years ago and then forgot all about it. His ears have grown!

I did a quick walk through Fantasyland...

And then decided it was time to eat. Where else but the Jolly Holly Bakery and Cafe. I had the roast beef sandwich. It was OK but I won't be ordering it again. It was much too salty for my taste.

After lunch, I did some window shopping and found several very cool Snow White shirts. I started to unfold one to take a picture, fully intending to refold it when I was done but you should have seen the look the castmember gave me! I can't really blame her because I'm sure people unfold the shirts all day long and then just leave them there and she probably thought I'd do the same. Rather than go into a lengthy explanation of why I was taking pictures, I just shot them "as is".

This first one was hanging so I got the entire graphic.

I really liked this one! And check out the apple charger plate in the background. No, it wasn't for sale. Too bad, I bet they would sell a ton.

This one reminded me of the Fractured Fairy Tales I used to watch as a kid in the 60's. I don't like it much.

This one looks really cool, too. You know what? I'm going back to the Park and I'm going to unfold these shirts for you!

Why so many Snow shirts, I wonder? I did not see such an assortment for the other Disney princesses. Snow must have a great PR guy.

I almost bought this shirt, too. I love all the colors and the graphics are uber cool. Who wouldn't want a shirt that has DISNEYLAND plastered across the front?

These Mickey ears caught my eye and they are pretty darn cool except....they started to die out as soon as I started filming, LOL!

Although I love the graphics on this shirt, it's a little too busy for me. It would make a great poster, though...without the cloudy/tie-die background. But who asked me, right?

Another great shirt that would have made its way into my closet if only it came in a ladies style. I don't wear boxy men's T-shirts!

Now these I fell in love with!!!! I regret not purchasing one but never fear. I remembered that I had a gift card from my niece so I'm going back today to get one!!!

All together now:  ADORABLE!!

Something about the early afternoon sunlight made these buildings POP so I started snapping. I love Main Street.

And for the Irish in us all...

I wonder if I could pull off this look?

These bold beauties are so darn cool!!

WAKE UP! The post is over!


Thufer said…
Good to see you are back home from your trip. I know it must have been exciting but getting back home is always a good thing.
Good trip update from the park.
Daveland said…
You and Stacy have the same taste in merchandise; you should see the black Evil Queen top that she bought last week at the Bat & Rouge!
Yes, looking forward to seeing the unfolding of the tees. That first one under the table of a vintage-looking profile of Snow White, very interesting. Don't think I've seen that artwork before.

Great shots!

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