CHOC Walk at Disneyland Part Two

I'm so glad you came back for part two! I think I made part one a little longer than I should have but look on the bright side, we're almost done, LOL.

We're heading towards the Tower of Terror but first we pass some interesting departments backstage...

Now we're back on stage and some ghoulish bellhops are on hand to entertain.

Mike was on hand and watching us with his "one good eye".

Yup, I'm still walking, walking, walking...

I see some ElecTRONica peeps up ahead...

The Carthay Circle Theater is draped tarp?

Love the sign!

Suddenly I realized I was walking along the tracks for the new trolley.

Nope, can't go that way...

Aw, now that's a nice sight!

Oh....we've still got a long way to go...I think I've got a blister.

OMG!!! Stroller parking with NO STROLLERS!

Jessie and Woody always make me smile. Sure, I'm tired and my feet hurt but they still make me smile!

We've gone all the way around Paradise Peer lagoon and now we're in the final stretch. (I hope!)

At this point, my brain shut down and I stopped taking pictures. Actually, I was beginning to wonder how the heck I was going to get home because I was exhausted. My stupid cough started up and would not relent. Phooey. So I'm very sorry I didn't get any pictures of the final portion of the walk. Well, there's always next year, right?

Oh guess what? I was interviewed Tuesday night for a podcast on Dreamers' Empire. It was lots of fun and I'm looking forward to hearing it, LOL. It won't be released for a couple of months but as soon as I have a release date, I'll let y'all know! In the meantime, click on the link above and check out their site.


Congrats on the walk Connie...and thanks for shooting pics along the way. In fact, I'd like to repost your Carthay Circle tarp photo at some point in the future..if it's OK of course.

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