Disneyland Train Stations Part 1

I will be doing a few installments on the different train stations in Disneyland so naturally we begin with the Main Street station! These photos were taken over three visits to the Park.
This is something you don't want to rush, trust me.

Let's begin with a few night shots...

OK, so it's not the train station but you can see the ironwork!

When I took this, I noticed that the window shades were up so I had to investigate.

But first, let's examine the luggage cart.

No line the the train...

Now, back to those windows!

They've got some pretty darn cool items in there!

Now I'm back to checking out the exterior of the building.

On a return trip we explore the interior of the building.

Anything new in the window?

Took several shots of this and couldn't get around that reflective glare. I should have gone back later in the day but...I forgot!

Interesting stuff inside this place! I never looked at these before.
Oh look at the dufus reflected in the glass!

A close-up (Hope this works!)

Goodness! I hope they didn't weigh you before getting on the train!

I dig these vintage fans!

Looking out the window...

Well boys and girls, that's it for now. Next time, Tomorrowland Station!


Thufer said…
Oh, this is and promises to be fun. Excellent subject.
I too could just gaze into the nooks and crannies of Main Street Station for hours.
Loved that first picture of the benches. Many times I have sat there and just soaked in the wonder and special occurrence that is Main Street USA.
Nice bunch of photos! You captured lots of details in Main Street Station that I've never noticed before.
Daveland said…
Connie - Anything to do with the trains at DL is super by me! Great series - can't wait to see the rest!
Regions Beyond said…
Awesome post indeed, and love the kind of "mundane"/you are there shots of the train station. Great photos!

And apologies for the random unsolicited plug, heh, but merely I always greatly enjoy your blog and looking through the recent entries. I just started a new blog myself, focusing on old Disneyland photos and paper goods, plus other themed attractions and general weirdness. If you fancy taking a look, much appreciated...sorry again for blatant self promotion heh, and thanks in advance!


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