Disneyland 1961

Exciting news today, bloggers! My friend Cyn has graciously given me permission to share a couple of photos of her family visiting Disneyland in 1961! And...she said she would share more of them in the near future!

Hi Connie,
I came across some vintage photos of my family's trip to Disneyland in 1961.  You can't see very much of the park in these but I thought you might enjoy them since you are such a Disney fanatic. 

In the first photo, my mom is pushing a stroller with my little brother in it and one of my sisters is to her right.  The little boy on her left is another little brother (I have 4 brothers & 3 sisters).

The photo by the Matterhorn is more of my family.  I am the tall girl standing on my mother's right, my little sister is to my right and two younger brothers in front of us.  Another sister is on the right side of the photo with a little brother in a stroller.  My aunt and a cousin (in flowered shirt) are on my mom's left.

Thank you, Cyn!!! I told her that we all love looking at vintage Disneyland photos. The second photo especially caught my eye because just the other day, I was in this area and I noticed that there were many different styles of "street lamps"...of course I took pictures. Let's compare the lamp in this photo to the one I took the other day.


TokyoMagic! said…
Thank you to your friend for sharing her family photos and to you Connie, for posting them. I wonder what those signs are on that post to the far right of that second pic?
Cyn's family look like they have the park to themselves in the Matterhorn pic. What a great day to be at DL!

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