September 5, 2007

We continue our look back at 2007 but don't blame me, blame the Major. If you look in the comments section of yesterday's post, you will see proof that he forced me with his Jedi mind trick powers!

The Autumn flowers are in full bloom at Disneyland.

I wonder what this horse is thinking??

Arrival time...this was before I decided to use the Main Street Station clock.

How much do they cost now? Last time I bought one it was $6 something!

What a gorgeous day!

I guess nobody wants popcorn.

Giddy up!

Daddy, telling his daughter that once upon a time...

It seems like they no longer have interesting signs on the Omnibus
like in the olden days.


Darn! I had to find somewhere else to eat!

The finishing touches were being put on the Dream Suite...

The Park is gearing up for Halloween.

Stirring up interest for the new movie, Princess and the Frog.

I love these next two pictures...The castmember is telling the horse
he needs to cooperate...

...but he has other ideas!

We end this day's visit with a look at something that is no
longer a part of DCA.

Come back tomorrow!


Thufer said…
The beauty and cleanliness of Main Street USA's Town Square is always an honor to see. Wonderful look to the East side across a 'field' of yellow in that first shot.
The River Belle Terrace closure signage is yet another example of Disney Detail that we all love.
These are beauties - that corn dog photo makes me hungry and it's not even 9 o'clock in the morning.
TokyoMagic! said…
Yeah, whatever happened to those mini attraction posters/signs that used to be on the side of the Omnibus?

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