Let's Go Back to 2007 Part 2

It's now June of 2007 and yours truly has won the opportunity to preview Finding Nemo before it opens to the public!! How lucky can one girl get?

I had to show my pass and special ticket just to get in line.

I rarely get so many pictures of me at the Park...must have been a good hair day, LOL

It was exciting! And I was so glad that I didn't have to fight the crowds.

After that, I stopped at the Carnation Cafe for a latte...

Then I uncovered a human snorting horse! I bet you didn't see that in the news, did ya??

Let me know if you want to see more of 2007!


Who did you bribe to get a preview of Nemo? WHO???? ;-)

Yes of course we want to see more of 2007!

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