40 Pounds of Trouble

I had never heard of this movie until I read about it at davelandweb. I immediately went to Netflix but they didn't have it. Dave's post really stuck in my mind because I kept thinking about it and thinking about it so finally, I looked for it on ebay. Yikes! The prices were ridiculous! I checked Amazon and found it to be MUCH more reasonable there so I ordered it.  Last night I watched it. Not only is it a good old fashioned movie, it's GOOD. And the best part? I knew there were some Disneyland scenes but I didn't realize just how much of the movie was shot there! It was amazing and so much fun to see my beloved Park as I remembered it from my childhood! I highly recommend this movie, especially for you Disney buffs. I believe Dave has a link on his post where you can order it from Amazon. Do it!!


Daveland said…
Connie - Be sure to check tomorrow's post...it's for you!
Yes! Been looking for this myself...specifically for the Snow White Adventures scene. Thanks Connie. I'll check Dave's post.

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